From yesterday (31) midnight, the QR system and quota system will be used to provide fuel at all gas stations across the country.
The Ministry of Energy stated that nearly 5 million vehicles have been registered for the National Fuel Permit as of yesterday afternoon and 95 percent of the total number of fuel stations in the country have started providing fuel using the QR system.
Furthermore, arrangements are to be made to provide the allocated quota to the police department from the fuel stations selected for each police station.
Also, the Ministry of Electricity and Energy informs to take steps to provide information to the WhatsApp number 074 21 23 123 about the filling stations and people who do not follow the instructions in the illegal storage of fuel stocks, sales activities or providing fuel.
Mr. Kusum Sandanayake, the Vice President of the Petroleum Distributors Association, requests that the petrol stations be given military protection again while providing fuel to the QR system.
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